Salted Eggs Suppliers and Distributors in Singapore

Salted Eggs
Dasoon – Biggest online store for buy salted eggs in Singapore. We are the top salted eggs suppliers and distributors in Singapore.

The Dasoon Company has been the chief eggs distributor (Singapore) for the past many years. This egg distributor started way back in 1978 and since then it has a remarkable contribution in the distribution of salted egg in Singapore besides selling other types of eggs mainly because of its excellent quality and many new egg suppliers came up from time to time thereafter. Egg selling in Singapore was never so popular until Dasoon had started. Salted eggs have been always the favorite of the people in Singapore as these eggs are rich in various nutrients as protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus and various amino acids which is why they buy salted eggs a lot. Now people can also buy salted eggs online with Dasoon Company and perhaps the initiative to make this even convenient for the buyers makes this company one of best wholesale egg distributors in Singapore and in fact it is the best salted eggs distributor in the entire Singapore for the excellent taste of its eggs. The salted eggs of Dasoon are preserved under perfect conditions to maintain the best quality in terms of taste as well as nutrients. Furthermore Dasoon is very well known for its outstanding packaging.
All our salted eggs are approved by Agri-Food & Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA).
Comes in both with soil and without soil.

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